January 19, 2015

Best Article Yet On Why We Should All Take Up Yoga...

They call it practicing yoga. Why? Because there is always more to achieve, more to perfect, and the ultimate goal of melding of the mind~body connection. Something that has been known to be the ultimate pathway to health and wellness as we make our way through a culture that is peppered with stimulation, distraction, not to mention technology sources that are flooding our minds round the clock.

For well over a year I have been practicing yoga regularly. It has been one of the best choices I have ever made. Even when traveling with family, I do my best to seek out a local yoga class that will give me an hour to reset the noise in my head and push me physically.

When people find out that I practice yoga, they invariably say, "I'm not flexible. I could never do yoga." Well, I'm not either, which is why it took me a few months to really appreciate what yoga had to offer. It is now such an integral part of my routine that I can't imagine not carving out five hours a week to continue the practice.

The attached article is, in my opinion, one of the best arguments to at least consider a yoga class. Just something to consider if you are feeling restless and in search of a physical activity that will feed your body as well as the soul.


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